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MODULE 3 -Date: 30th April and 1st May 2024


On April 30th and May 1st 2024 Jeff will host a teacher training/masterclass specifically for Module 3. We have some teachers who have not yet learned the integration of Part 1 and Part 2 of Module 3. In this Masterclass for M3 teachers, Jeff will primarily repeat special procedures and showcase teaching skills as well as offering balances. This workshop counts like the “annual teacher training” and can be attended instead of the “official” Teacher Masterclass from June 23-24.

More about what to expect in this masterclass:

– Teaching Advanced emotional balance – how to introduce it to students, what to emphasise.
– Past life balances that sometimes come up for balancing during a session. How to teach students to address a past life balance.. do/don’t do in these instances.
– How to teach Hook procedure balance.
– How to present and teach the Energy blockage process.
– How to deal with root causes
– Connection with the LA Team. How to teach and what to address in this initiation.

DATE: 30th April – 1st may
TIME: 10:00 – 17H00 SAST (might change if Australians are interested to join)